Saturday, June 12, 2010

Stand Up

Her baby is starting to pull himself up to stand. Before we know it he will be walking. Seriously, it's not gonna be long. My baby is still getting the hang of sitting on his own, not anywhere near crawling (even though I like to imagine otherwise) and pulling to stand isn't even in the cards right now. It's so depressing sometimes. I mean, I have come to grips with the whole thing, I have. But when the other baby does something big like standing it really hurts to know my child can't do that and probably won't for another 3 months or more. They are basically the same age. I never know what to say to them when I hear their baby has done this great thing or that great thing because it's like a knife to the gut each time.
I don't know - at least my baby is clearly the cuter one.